element.getText() omitting child nodes

js. selenide

Posted on April 9, 2020

The problem

Get text (‘99.999,99 €’) from the element that looks like following:

<p data-test-id="test_element">
      99.999,99 €
      <sup class="ref">
      <sup class="ref">

Nothing special at the first sight.

To do that let’s create css selector to find required element $$('p[data-test-id=test_element]'). And let’s see its text:


Allegedly we’ll get ‘99.999,99 €’. But the result is:

      99.999,99 €

Okay, we need to get rid of the child nodes’ text. How to do that?

The solution

Simplest way is to use JavaScript.


This command will return exactly what we need:

      99.999,99 €

Now let’s use this solution with Selenide:

    private String getPrice() {
        return executeJavaScript("return arguments[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;", $("p[data-test-id=test_element]"));

Simple and useful :)