kind of fluent wait for robot framework

to make sure element is not visible

Posted on January 3, 2020

Robot Framework provides native solution how to wait for element to be visible and vice versa. But using such keywords as Wait Until Element Is Not Visible or Wait Until Element Is Visible with timeout often fails with stale element exception. And I try not to use these keywords in my test scripts to avoid possible undesirable flakiness.

Often enough I need to know when the loader element has already disappeared and I can continue to perform further actions and verifications. In such cases I use a kind of Wait Until Element Is Not Visible workaround.

        *** Keyword ***
        Wait For Loader To Disappear
        :FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    15
        \    Sleep  1
        \    ${present}=  Run Keyword And Return Status    Element Should Be Visible    ${loaderId}
        \    Exit For Loop If    ${present}==False
        \    log  Wait for loader to disappear ${i} sec     console=True

This keyword can be modified a little bit to accept ‘15’ or any other value - seconds to wait - as a parameter:

        *** Keyword ***
        Wait For Loader To Disappear
        [Arguments]    ${seconds}
        :FOR    ${i}    IN RANGE    ${seconds}
        \    Sleep  1
        \    ${present}=  Run Keyword And Return Status    Element Should Be Visible    ${loaderId}
        \    Exit For Loop If    ${present}==False
        \    log  Wait for loader to disappear ${i} sec     console=True